Starting Over: A Mother Who is Overcoming it All Through Her Blogs

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At the beginning of 2012, I  started writing again after taking a 30  year sabbatical to raise nine children on a hobby farm.

I closeted myself in a room to sit down and write and then I froze. Although I considered writing to be a solitary craft,  looking at a blank screen or talking into thin air was a sterile exercise in futility for me. I could not translate the same creative energy that I experienced telling a story verbally to the keyboard. My intuitive, imaginative side stayed buried and my logical intellect wrote boring mummy drivel.

Blogging has helped melt my prison of isolation because now I am not writing to a wall, now I am writing to real people who respond, offer encouragement and helpful tips.

Does interaction with other writers mean that I need public applause to function? No, I  think the need to interact with writers and readers arises from the fact that I am a social being who learns from other people. My dark fears, which froze any writing skills that I retained for 32 years,  are slowly melting as light and truth shine through other websites that have published some of my articles and poems. I am slowly starting to feel legitimate, an equal to other so-called writers. I am writing better, well most of the time, because I have given my creative side the permission to rise up and speak.

For me, the joy mothering has been my call, my vocation and my silent witness to the world for 32 years. Now writing is becoming the method of expressing that vocation to a world that has largely forgotten the wisdom of mothers and more importantly, the wisdom of children.

As I start considering  using word prompts posted on WordPress  to challenge me, I sense that  even more doors are about to creak open. There are hundreds of stories still waiting to be told, hiding in my subconscious. It is often theses word prompts that shine light on a  forgotten memory and trigger yet another story.

11 thoughts on “Starting Over: A Mother Who is Overcoming it All Through Her Blogs

  1. You describe your fears about writing so vividly. I feel like you do except I have not had anyone do anything with my work. My creative side is so rough and raw, it needs to be chiesled to form. If there anything strong enough to do that job. I am still frightened when I press the publish button. Your blog inspires me to keep one, even on the days when I so don’t want to push publish. TY


    1. NOW that makes ant self-revelation worth every word because we are connecting. I can hardly believe you feel inadequate. YOUR WRITING, ESPECIALLY THE FICTION PIECES ARE PRO QUALITY

      On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 8:06 PM, motherofnine9


      1. Thanks…that’s nice of you to say. I don’t feel my writing is any good. I have so much in my mind that I want to flow onto paper but I don’t feel as it comes across how I think it. I don’t know how to believe in my writing. I read different writings here and I think it is so much better that I ever can write. I am flattered by your kind words. TY


  2. I feel that my life is like half of yours…4 kids, 7.5 years being pregnant and/or nursing, 21 year sabbatical from writing. I only hope I have accumulated half the wisdom you have! I had thought that if we had had more children the only way would be to live on a farm…but reading about getting locked in the chicken coop makes me wonder!


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