International Women’s Day

For International Women’s Day on March 8th,  I collected quotes and images to celebrate the vibrant life of women, of women fully alive. I am linking with Kim Klassen at Friday Finds If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.  Margaret Fuller Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I…… Continue reading International Women’s Day

Captured Moments with Helen Keller

Helen Keller, born deaf and blind in June 27, 1880,  was a frustrated, angry, wild child of six when teacher Ann Sullivan stepped to her life.  Ann finally broke through Helen’s prison of silence during an infamous encounter at a water pump then dedicated her life to this child and young woman, watching as she grew into…… Continue reading Captured Moments with Helen Keller

Wordless Wednesday

  ! It’s time to share favorite photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town! There’s a sunrise and a sunset every single day, and they’re absolutely free. Don’t miss so many of them.”  ― Jo Walton     sunset at the cottage and storm clouds over the lake  photos taken…… Continue reading Wordless Wednesday