Blog Awards Straight From the Heart

I have just received a wonderful gift from a fellow blogger and I simply must pass on my joy before I post  a few other blogging awards. Introducing the innovative and creative-

Fantabulous and Awesome Blossom Awards

 Straight from the heart and mind of Bally Bin, author of 

The Good, Bad and Ludicrous

Examining the Ordinary and Extraordinary

Awards are nice – they are the equivalent of Girl’s Night Out or a Night with the Guys where you compliment each other, share juicy tidbits about yourself and then inform the group of what amazing find you came across last week.

However, for a variety of reasons there are those who choose not to accept or pass on awards.  For those who like the idea of having an award or two on their site, but aren’t up to the work involved or feel like they’ll somehow betray those they follow by narrowing a list down to just 10 – here’s two awards you are welcome to put on your site if I’ve followed you, Liked one of your posts or left a comment that included the link to this page.

You are also free to bestow these no-strings attached Awards to others as you see fit – these images are free to use as long as you and others don’t pretend they are your own.  If you wish to link back here, Fantabulous – but not required.

These will be mounted on my side column with pride and with joy. BalleyBin and I extend the invitation to you to do the same.



116 thoughts on “Blog Awards Straight From the Heart

  1. Thanks for the gracious nod to my blog, Melanie! Both awards are so lovely. You have such a unique gift of exhortation and a true sense of community building. 🙂


  2. Thanks Melanie. Now this is my kind of award!!! 🙂 Made my day. Of course you always do! 😉 I was telling my folks today about you and your kids and what a wonderful family you are to me. I also told them about you getting locked up in the chicken house! How they laughed. You are there kind of “gal” also. God Bless, SR


      1. I just did it the quickest way I could.. lol
        And you got the credit also.

        x 🙂


      2. your joking-

        do you know it took me a year to realize that by pressing ( open image in a new tab) that I would finally be able to find the jpg. and url of an image!!!!!

        and that was just a week ago!!!


      3. lol…I once knew NOTHING about the internet, never mind Word Press..
        Promise me, ANY help you need with Word Press or even any Computer issue, you ask me ok…
        Take me minutes to help, and helping is good

        x 🙂


      4. LOL!!!!

        Joking aside, please, just ask ok..
        Takes me seconds and it helps..



  3. Reblogged this on Dree Speaks Freely and commented:
    motherofnine9 stopped into comments and dropped some love on my humble little blog 🙂

    Thanks to her and thanks so much for all of you who have dropped in recently and said, “howdy”!


  4. Thank you so very much, Melanie. The awards are awesome, but usually so time consuming that I reluctantly pass them up. I will be sure to share these – I have many that I would want to share with. All I have to do is figure out how to post a reply so they know to come ‘n’ get it!

    I really enjoy reading your posts, by the way. You have a delightful way of stating the ordinary that is inspiring and encouraging.



    1. what one blogger did is simply post at the end of his article, “this award is here for all my followers, just pick it up by copying and pasting it onto your blog and referring back to me”-meaning you


      1. Thank you so much! I need a pick-me-up; it’s been a stressful day. I think I’m going to head over to your blog and enjoy some lighthearted fun for a bit!

        God bless,


  5. Thank you for thinking of me, Melanie! I am honored to accept. I made a tab on my page for blogger awards and will add these with a link back to you. 🙂


  6. Thank you so much Melanie for your consideration. I was surprised yet delighted and humbled. Blessing to you for your thoughtfulness.


  7. Melanie, thank you so much for the awards, and I’m very relieved that there are no rules attached, as this has overwhelmed me in the past (commitments, stress, blog etc) and I have felt very bad for not participating. What a nice way to start my morning.


  8. You’re the awesome-est. I still don’t know how to display pictures in my side column though. It took me FOREVER just to get a pic to show up in the body of my article’s text. I’m working on it, though. Thank you so much for including me in these – they are beautiful.


    1. took me a year
      right click on the picture
      instead of clicking save image, left click on open image in new tab
      tab pops up along top click on it an VOILA, there is the URL you need to post image


      1. tell me if you have trouble, i usually cannot even follow how-to-do instructions. Another blogger in the same spot as you suggested we start a site for computer dummies written in PLAIN ENGLISH, taking nothing for granted

        On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 6:53 PM, motherofnine9


      2. tell me if you have trouble, i usually cannot even follow how-to-do instructions.

        Another blogger in the same spot as you suggested we start a site for computer dummies written in PLAIN ENGLISH, taking nothing for granted


  9. What a fabulous idea Melanie. Thank you for your nomination and I look forward to adding these to my blog. (I will be putting up an awards post shortly so I will link back to you then). Have a great day 🙂


  10. Thank you My Dear Sister in Christ for this beautiful and inspiring award. We are a little behind schedule in getting our award page up, but you can be assured we will get the job done. In your continue walk with the Lord, we leave you with our peace and purpose that God will continue to fill you with His power and much prosperity into your life, the lives of your family and this great ministry that He has placed in your hands.


  11. Hi, Melanie! Thank you so much for stopping by and “liking” my blog! I have to tell you that I fell over laughing when I read your quote, “The only thing that could kill you living with nine kids is pairing socks”. Brilliant!


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