Art that Speaks to Me

Daily Prompt: The Artist’s Eye

Is there a painting or sculpture you’re drawn to? What does it say to you? Describe the experience. (Or, if art doesn’t speak to you, tell us why.)

I love paintings where the eyes have depth, emotions because they draw me in then engage me. It is almost as if a give and take relationship developes. I experience joy as my inner spirit connects with the spirit of the painting, sensing the Holy Spirit at work in the process.


In this set of paintings, the same dynamic is at work but it is the colours and form that engages my spiritual self.

New post on To Love and Truth


by Michael

Like a melody stuck within my head, a posting by Melanie Jean Juneau on her blog “Mother of Nine9” to the Daily Prompt “Art that Speaks to Me” has remained with me for the past week and a half.   My thoughts repeatedly return to the pictures of eyes she posted in her reply to the Daily Prompt.

Biblically, eyes are the windows of our heart. The heart is the focus of our being and true desires.  What commands the attention of our eyes is what commands the attention of our heart.  If our heart desires fleshly pleasures, fleshly pleasures will command the attention of our eyes.  If our heart desires earthly treasures, earthly treasures will command our eyes attention.

What would Jesus’ and my eyes look like when they meet?   What would we see as we graze into each other eyes?  Jesus knows my heart, and my struggles with my eyes.   Will the widows of my heart, reflect my desire to follow Christ or will they reflect my desires for earthly pleasures?  Will my eyes look upon the Lord with fear?  Or, will I heed his command and be not afraid, and look upon Him in tearful joy?

Will Christ’s eyes reflect a joyful welcoming?  Or, will His eyes reflect the pain and suffering my sinfulness has brought upon him? Will I be graced to see His loving and merciful eyes?  Will He see in my eyes my desire to be forgiven and to be with Him and dwell in His love forever?

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10 thoughts on “Art that Speaks to Me

  1. Nice blog…I Just wanted to say thank you for your efforts and kindness you gave to me but it seems no one cares and I am frantically losing my mind…God Bless


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