HELP- has STOLEN 30+ stories so far

HELP! A site STOLEN 30+ stories. A

Last night they had my bio and a link back to me and now it just says that the author is admin and there is no connection to me.

A disclaimer at the bottom of the site that it is not illegal What do I do?

Nana Free full ebook site

38 thoughts on “HELP- has STOLEN 30+ stories so far

  1. I don’t really know how to help you, but I just wanted to say I am sorry for that and wish you good luck in getting it fixed very soon! Their disclaimer is a bit of nonsense too.


  2. Yes, contact WordPress ASAP! Do you put the copyright disclaimer at the end of your stories? Here is ours:
    © K2 GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LLC. 2010-2013. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to K2 GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS LLC with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.


  3. Oh my goodness that is incredible. I am so sorry. I can’t believe someone would do this. I don’t have any disclaimer on my blog anywhere. I hope you can get this sorted out really quickly.


  4. I just looked at their website and they even have this actual post added on there. They must use some software that automatically posts whatever you post. Really terrible blog.


  5. So sorry Melanie! I hope there is some resolution to this soon. Keep us updated. Wish I could help – but besides contacting WordPress, I wouldn’t know what to do.


    1. ihave been given a lot of advice- the site just emailed me, said my request was granted but you know what they just did??- the host provider will think everything is deleted but they simply REPOSTED STILL WITH NO LINK TO ME!!


      1. no- just that I can also let DMCA and Google know- they WILL deal with it but it takes time- seems like the admin of this site is playing games but at least he responded in a sneaky manner- This will show leaseweb his true intentions


    1. I just noticed 10 posts were clicked by and i checked it out only to stumble upon at least thirty of my exact posts, pictures and all

      I think if you google your title of a post, it would show if Google listed anywhere else


  6. I’m glad they deleted but sorry you had to go through this. I had some site hijack one of my posts – where my daughter made easter baskets for the children of deployed soldiers- and redirect to their soft porn site. Nightmare!!! Until I got that straightened out, I was sick about it.


    1. the admin at first just moved all my content, then when I caught him, he removed all 28 articles but I see 4 more clicks on my links by nanodownload so I am hoping leasewb deletes his site because all his content is stolen and without back links


  7. I hope so. I’ve recently noticed on my blog, the old posts have my copyright notice removed. So I’m going through them and replacing that.

    Also two or three “bloggers” have clicked a “like” on one or more of my posts and left their gravatar as their name but posting my domain as theirs! Trying to get them off but no success yet. They’re trying to link with my stuff. 😦


    1. oh no- if they are with WordPress you can report the issue through support, forum, type the problem,

      someone contacted me 3 times in one day!! to advise and help, even though my problem was with another web provider


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