Ripples of Influence: Awards Post

The last two awards from Michael. I just could not lump them all together, the post would have been too long. Still I keep realizing that I have missed a great blogger and writer. I don’t think that any writer in my circles is a dud


The rules:

1. Display the award logo on your blog.

7d400-the_rules2. Link back to the person who nominated you

3. Answer 7 questions

.4. Nominate ( no limit of nominations ) other bloggers for this award and link back to them.

5. Notify those bloggers of the award requirements.

The 7 Questions – can you all please answer the same questions, thanks. 

1. If you could create your own planet what would it look like? For one thing it would not get as cold as Canada and there would be plenty of vegetation, flowers and farms

2. If you could visit one nation you have never visited before, what nation would that be? I can’t choose one- France for art, Ireland and the Ukraine for my roots, Greece for th food, Italy for the churches and wine

3. Have you ever taken a long distance train trip?Yes, through the Canadian Rockies with my first baby. Stunning.

4. What is something you would collectively change about humanity?Deep rooted egocentricity and fase pride

5. What is your favorite song? When I listen to Celtic Music, tears spring to my eyes immediately

6. If you could meet one person who is still alive who would you choose to meet? Jesus

7. If you could choose one symbol to represent you, what would that symbol be and why?A small flame; I know His light burns within me.






Connie Rossini


Nancy Ward

Ellen Gable Hrkach

Wonderful Team Membership Reader Award.


It is my honor to announce that I have been nominated for The Wonderful Team Member Readership Award. Thank you Michael  for thinking of me; this is the last of a group of 7 award

The rules require me to nominate 14 other bloggers that deserve this award.

My 14 nominees are as follows:


Elizabeth Yalian





Nominees, if you accept, the rules require you to display the image and link back to the person who nominated you. Also choose 14 other bloggers that deserve this award.

27 thoughts on “Ripples of Influence: Awards Post

  1. Well done, Melanie! These awardees will be very pleased with the nominations.

    SoundEagle has just added a new suggestion for the recipients of the “SoundEagle Appreciation Award” about what they can show and do with the special award. Please take a look. If you were thinking of something more unusual to write for your next post, perhaps this new suggestion could bring you new ideas or designs for your next post . . . . . . Cheers!


      1. It is basically to compose a new post with an “acceptance speech” or “appreciation speech” for being a recipient of the SoundEagle Appreciation Award, with additional reflections, contemplations and/or resolutions.


  2. Thanks for the award, Melanie. God bless you for thinking of me. I seem to be coming down with a cold so I don’t know when I’ll feel well enough to pass it on. Phooey!


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