Bonding Before Birth

An unborn child hears and reacts emotionally ,
not only to his parents but also to all the other people and activity whirling around him.Great Paintings - Mother8

Prenatal babies have personalities before they are born. As any mother can tell you, some babies move around energetically both in and out of the womb, while other infants are physically passive. Some infants are night owls both in and out of the womb and others actually sleep well at night.

Nurses will point out to new parents that their newborn quickly turns towards the voices of their mother, father, siblings and even grandparents. So that means that an unborn child hears what is happening and remembers what he has heard while he was still in the womb. These memories are conscious for the first couple of years of a young child’s life but later they lay deep within their subconscious. For example, some musicians, when first introduced to a piece of music, already know how to play it without even rehearsing. Later they discover that their mother had practiced that very same piece of music while she was pregnant with them.

Great Paintings - Mother6Understanding the implications of these tidbits of trivia, I convinced my son to try this experiment with his pregnant wife a couple of months before the birth of their first child. Actually, this is something I did during all my pregnancies. Often my kids laugh and dismiss some of my beliefs but this time David took my suggestion and put it into action.

David gently placed his hand on one side of his wife’s stomach and then spoke aloud to his unborn child, welcoming her into their family. He told unborn Eva that both of her parents loved her already and that they would protect her and supply all her needs, physically, emotionally and spiritually. He concentrated on pouring love into his unborn baby’s spirit. As David loved his baby by talking and placing his hand on Erica’s right side, unborn Eva kicked and pushed on that side of the womb! When David placed his hand on the other side of Erica’s stomach and repeated the ‘prayers’, their unborn daughter placed a few good kicks on that side instead! Obviously, pre-natal Eva heard everything and she was happy and excited by what she heard.8UZDF00Z

As a result of Eva’s parents consciously soaking her with nurturing love while she was still in the womb, she is a peaceful, content baby who is a joy and a delight to everyone she meets. None of their friends can quite understand how Eva can be such a good baby. Basically the answer to their question is that my son and his wife connected with Eva’s heart, mind and spirit before she was born. After birth they knew how to respond to Eva’s none verbal communication. David and Erica were in fact Baby Whisperers.

In the hospital, while holding his newborn daughter, David turned to his dad and said,

“I think this is the best thing that I have ever done!”mother_and_child-huge


10 thoughts on “Bonding Before Birth

  1. I absolutely love this and believe it to be true. The bond I share with my son runs deeper than either of us I think is aware – I spoke to him, lovingly every day of my pregnancy. Now, in my second pregnancy, life is more hectic but my baby reminds me often that she is present. I speak to her and she calms. It is beautiful and a reminder that she deserves as much of me as my son had. It is truly a magical time that cannot be taken for granted.


  2. I did not know about it (conscientiously) but I found out that every night when my husband would come home, Schnook (that was our name for our unborn baby) kicked hard on the side he was sitting; when he changed places (just for fun), the baby’s kicks would move, too. What amazing little creations!


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