Inspire Me Monday: With A Bold Bunny Tale

Inspire Me Monday

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Iggy the Bold Bunny retold as a children’s story

Iggy The Bold Bunny

The delightful tale of an extraordinary bunny!


Now most Rabbits are gentle and quiet kind and patient, very responsible and..

baby_bunny_by_hirotaka712-d4dwoqyelegant and alert.

tumblr_static_bunny_by_cloudyskycupcake-d5jyfczBut Iggy was not an ordinary bunny .

When we first brought her home and let her out of her tiny mesh cage,  she was so happy that she ran laps around the entire house jumping and twisting in the air every few minutes.

images (21) Iggy was delightful. 

She was full of character, keeping all of us, even my calm. dignified husband laughing for hours with her funny antics.


Iggy did not act like a normal rabbit

Supposedly rabbits hate to hop up and down stairs. Not Iggy. She did not want to be left behind or fenced in at all. If we closed bedroom doors to keep her off beds, she simply pushed the door open with her nose. She was aggressive and determined, not cowering or timid at all.

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Iggy, not the cat or dog, was soon in charge of the household pets.

Kitty was so terrified of Iggy that she would come down the stairs silently and then cautiously peak around the staircase looking for Iggy. Then she would creep slowly down the long hall, stopping to look around, twitching her whiskers and ears. If Iggy caught a glimpse of Kitty, she would scramble, noisily, as fast as she could down the hallway and chase that poor cat right back upstairs. Afterwards that bold bunny would slowly hop back into the kitchen, happy with herself.


This rabbit chased the dog!

Not content to boss the cat around, Iggy was soon in charge of our huge do. If the dog started to chase Iggy, she would outrun him and was soon running behind Shadow as they ran their laps. Now the prey chased the predator.

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Iggy wiggled past people when they opened the fridge so she looked right in

Iggy not only bossed our pets but was soon pushing around the humans as well. As soon as one of the family opened the fridge door, Iggy was there in a flash, standing up to get a better view of the veggies.

bunny butt on bed

Iggy jumped on beds

If one of my children tried to sleep in, Iggy would hop on the bed, jumping right beside their head, until they woke up!

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 Iggy was a bold Bunny


I'm part of Post A Day 2014

17 thoughts on “Inspire Me Monday: With A Bold Bunny Tale

  1. Now Melanie Jean, you KNOW I can’t resist something as irresistible as your sweet bunny – even one so full of spice and sass! 🙂

    I was also thinking this would make a GREAT kid’s story! (Did you know my first pet was a bunny?)

    Melt my heart with a great story like this – and equally great photos – and you’re sure to be featured at Inspire Me Monday. Congratulations – and I want MORE photos and stories! 🙂


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